Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Aura Kingdom Online!

-Lack of updates, Gotten busy lately-

Aura Kingdom
Also known as
Innocent World (JP)
Fantasy Frontier - 幻想神域 (CN &HK)

Kinda found smth new to play! This is a kind of Anime MMO, hunting, level up-ing, and with multiple class choices which is very fun to try them out. Those who love Anime styled game should definitely try this!

Classes : 11
Guardian, Duelist, Ravager, Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, Grenadier, Gunslinger, Brawler, Ranger, Ronin

Publisher : Aeria Games
Developer : X-Legend

IGN : SenaYu
(Those who wanna add me)
Note: I'm still new to the game!